Upload Team Logos for Live Stats

Upload Team Logos for Live Stats

If the teams competing in your event do not have logos stored in our logo library (NCAA Division I and II), you can upload logos to integrate into the live stats for a game. You will need to know the home and away teams beforehand.

Note that the home and away teams in your scorekeeping software/XML file must match the home/away designations you use for uploading logos, otherwise logos will appear flipped in the stats.

Logo files must meet the following guidelines to be uploaded. Files that do not meet these guidelines will be rejected for upload:

  • Format must be PNG, GIF, or JPG and file must have proper file extension (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png)
  • Dimensions of logo must not exceed 500 pixels in width by 500 pixels in height
  • Size of logo file must be less than 2MB in size
Select Event Editor Grid

Click on either the Event Editor Grid or the Tournament Editor button (if displayed) to bring up the table of events to edit.

Select Event Editor Grid
Select an event for editing

Click on the blue edit icon for the event row you wish to edit

Select an event for editing
Click 'Set Logos' button

Scroll down the Edit Event popup to find the purple button on the bottom bar

Click 'Set Logos' button
Set Team Logos Screen

Scroll down to the Home Team Logo card

Set Team Logos Screen
Select 'Upload a Logo' from the dropdown list
Select 'Upload a Logo' from the dropdown list

Click the 'Upload New' button

Click on Choose file to bring up the file browser

Select the file to upload.

Click the blue Upload Logo to complete the file upload

On successful upload, your logo file will show in the Preview area

Repeat the same steps for the Visitor logo
Repeat the same steps for the Visitor logo
Save Changes

You must

Save Changes
Switch Team Logos

If your logos appear reversed in your live stats, return to the Logo Editor page and simply click the 'Switch Home/Away' button to swap the logo assignments.

Switch Team Logos
To reuse a logo for another game...

Copy the URL of your uploaded logo.

To reuse a logo for another game...
Copy Untitled

On the next game, select 'Use Logo from a URL' for the team and